Forsølving er en tradisjonell metode for å gi gjenstander av metall en vakker og holdbar overflate av sølv. Denne teknikken har blitt brukt i århundrer for å forbedre både utseendet...
Fra sølv til gull: Utforsk magien med forgylling Forgylling er en eldgammel teknikk som har vært brukt i tusenvis av år for å gi gjenstander en elegant og luksuriøs overflate...
Vintage Village - here we come! Arven Vintage is this year at the Nordics' greenest and funnest festival, Fæbrikstad, as the only jewelery exhibitor! With us in our luggage, we...
Pearls have attracted the attention and admiration of man for millennia, and their natural beauty and unique origins have made them one of the most sought-after gemstones. Pearls are formed...
We help you take care of your jewelry e Do you have jewelery that needs cleaning, repair or other maintenance? Our skilled jewelers help you with your jewellery. Feel free...
Beauty, eternity and a sparkling legacy - welcome to our world of diamonds! Arven is proud to present an outstanding range of diamonds. Diamonds are rare jewels, formed by nature...
The birch is popping, the sun is warming, the evenings are getting brighter and longer. The sure signs of spring come every year and mark the prelude to the whole...
Arven Vintage might be able to help you! (A true story from reality, told by Lise Redfern, general manager of Arven) I have experienced this myself. I have set the...
Our goal at Arven is to make products of the highest quality with the lowest possible impact on the environment. Arven uses a holistic approach that aims to reduce the...
Arven's Christmas decorations are designed by Anne Lise Arnesen from Bergen. With inspiration from traditional Norwegian embroideries, she has created three Christmas-warm motifs in a tight, modern design. These are...
Timeless, beautiful and elegant The Lilje silver cutlery series is a highly valued asset in many a Norwegian household. The series is produced just behind Bryggen in Bergen, at Norway's...
New life in old treasures - we help you From the silver spoon you received as a christening present to the cream jug you inherited from great-grandmother - do you...
For over 150 years, Arven has designed beautiful quality jewellery. Our skilled jewelers handcraft the most beautiful jewelery with diamonds and other precious stones, and can make a completely unique...
The historic coin is an iconic piece of jewelery for the people of Bergen and everyone else who has a close relationship with the city between the seven mountains. The...
You have probably experienced it yourself - rings, necklaces and earrings simply become dull and get black dirt between the links and clasps and not least on the back of the rings?